Jim & Gael got hitched!

Gael and I went to Yosemite in September and got married!

Gael has been working with me at the Sunday Ojai Farmer’s Market starting now on her 5th year. Here we are last year with our friend Doug LaBarre’s 1953 Chevy 3/4T truck, which he was kind enough to let us use while our regular truck was out for repairs.

We start again at the Ojai Market on Sunday January 12, and will be there every Sunday until mid-May or until the fruit runs out, whichever comes first. We will start with plenty of Seedless Kishus, also with tree-ripe limes, lemons, meyer lemons, cocktail grapefruit, also with bacon, fuerte and possibly Mexicola Grande avocados. If you’re in town, please come visit us at our stand – we’ll be glad to see you!